Serving Tucson Families

Provides 0ver 70 families food boxes weekly

In partnership with the Midwest Tucson food bank, we hand out food boxes to several families. Our ministry allows us to reach out and give back to our community, showing the love of Christ through our service. We are able to witness, connect and pray for the members of our community.

About our Ministry

We are dedicated to providing for Tucson families. We meet every Tuesday at 9:30 AM to provide food boxes in partnership with the local food bank to over 70 families weekly.

Opportunities to serve:

We are always looking for more volunteers. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will contact you!

We can't wait to meet you


9:30 AM

Our Volunteers

Don Davis

Trustee, Decon, Food Ministry Leader, Adult Worship Team Leader

Dixie Guild

Treasurer, Food ministry volunteer, Library leader

Glen Guild

Trustee, Food Ministry volunteer, Van Driver

Russ Esslinger

Head Usher


Food Bags

We used to prepare hundreds of food bags for the community. Since covid - 19, the food bank has increased its efforts by providing already packaged boxes ready to hand out to our community.

Working Together

Our volunteer team works very hard to help community members put their bags together and take them out to their vehicles. In fact, Some community members that aren't able to come to pick up the food bags were able to have them delivered by our volunteers.


Along with canned items, we receive plenty of high-quality produce and eggs.

Miscellaneous items

If we ever get any items we usually wouldn't they all go out in the church breezeway for our community members to get what they need.

pick up

As community members line up at the door to receive their food gifts, we are able to fellowship and pray for their families. Showing God's love through good works is what we are dedicated to achieving.

Want more information?

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